Thursday, October 2, 2014

Speak Up

Somewhere along this life journey, this soft spoken, non-confrontational girl had to learn there are times when she will need to speak up.

She had to see that even when she lacked confidence in herself, as long as she placed her confidence in Christ, that was sufficient.

Besides, He had many things He needed to say through her.
It is my privilege to be a part of what God calls me to work in.

Sometimes those opportunities aren't one bit pleasant.
However, doing the right thing at the right time is good because God makes it so.

Whether it's an "enemy" or even as unexpected as family, I'm grateful that God entrusts me to learn attributes of gentleness, honesty, and courage.

And when I need to speak up for someone who can't do so for themselves, I thank God, knowing He has done the same for me.

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