Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dutch Chocolate Pudding

Looking through my Pinterest recipes the other evening, my husband looked over my shoulder and pointed to the chocolate pudding. 
I've made this before and thought it would be good to perfect!

I originally found the recipe here, but have made a few changes.

I used Dutch chocolate...because, well, you know.

Get excited! Pudding is about to happen!

Action shot! Slowly pour in the milk to stir out any clumps.

Thickened and ready to pour.

Find a lovely serving dish to pour your pudding into. Cover to keep a "skin" from forming.

Mmmm :)

1/2 cup granulated sugar
3 T corn starch
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/8 tsp salt
1 cup half & half
1 cup milk
2 oz chopped chocolate (I used Dutch Verkade)
whipped cream and/or chocolate for garnish

1.) Whisk dry ingredients (except chopped chocolate) in a small saucepan.
2.) Slowly pour in half&half and milk, whisking to prevent clumps.
3.) Place over medium heat and whisk until steaming.
4.) Add chopped chocolate and stir until melted and your pudding has bubbled and thickened.
5.) Remove from heat and pour into 4 serving cups.
6.) Put plastic wrap directly onto pudding to prevent a "skin" from forming.
7.) Refrigerate about 2 hours before serving.

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